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收藏本站 | 在線(xiàn)留言 | 求職招聘 | 網(wǎng)站地圖
鋸末顆粒機憋機的原因是什么? 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-12-11 14:49:11發(fā)布人:金格瑞顆粒機


In the feeding process of sawdust granulator, the shape of plant leftovers, enterprise production waste, domestic waste, construction waste, crop straw and husk is irregular, which not only easily pollutes the equipment, but also easily causes the equipment to block or block. So what are the reasons for the equipment holding up?


1. The material layer in the extrusion chamber of the granulator is too thick due to the excessive feeding.


2. There are screws, stones and other hard objects into the granulating chamber, causing the hard objects to be stuck between the pressure bar and the grinding tool.

3、電壓不穩定,降低后沒(méi)有及時(shí)的調節進(jìn)料速度,因為電壓降低后,電機必然會(huì )通過(guò)電流的增加來(lái)補償電壓低,這樣就造成電機的輸出功率降低,同樣的電機的扭矩力相應的降低。而沒(méi)有及時(shí)的調節進(jìn)料速度必然造成憋機現象的發(fā)生。

3. The voltage is unstable and the feeding speed is not adjusted in time after the voltage is reduced, because the motor will inevitably compensate for the low voltage through the increase of current after the voltage is reduced, which will cause the output power of the motor to be reduced, and the torque force of the same motor will be reduced accordingly. However, if the feeding speed is not adjusted in time, it will inevitably lead to the phenomenon of holding up the machine.

鋸末顆粒機出現憋機的現象,就會(huì )導致設備無(wú)法繼續正常工作,給我們的正常生產(chǎn)帶來(lái)不便,隨意我們一定要及時(shí)發(fā)現并解決憋機的問(wèn)題,從而提高工作效率。

The phenomenon of holding up the machine of sawdust granulator will lead to the equipment can not continue to work normally and bring inconvenience to our normal production. We must find and solve the problem of holding machine in time at will, so as to improve the work efficiency.










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